Conveniently, two lawyers gat a convenient interpretation!

It look like de BC gat fuh do like what a certain doctor does be doing pun de TV and teach people about words. While de BC wouldn’t deal with plenty words like de doc who teaching everybody, it gon have more challenges with a particular word that some refuse fuh understand. De word is “convenience”. While much was said about it, it is de first word, maybe de only one, in this new BC series call “Hard Word”. Just like how de doc does do it, context must be given. First, is de old example of Khemraj and he “key” party opposing de building of de Marriott fuh protect de interest of one of dem own. Everybody know de story. Then, de same Khemraj now opposing de building of a specialty hospital simple because he is de lawyer fuh one of de company that lost out in de bidding. Again, everybody know de whole story.
Now, de “big” lawyer hollering that he ain’t get accreditation fuh be “honorary consul”. He blaming de government fuh that and sehin that is basically “free wuk” he would be doing. People seh if he want fuh do free wuk, he could do so fuh he clients since he is already a counsel! If he do, it must mek he honorary in dem eyes! What he ain’t tell people is that he is now de man with de chair in de “key” party, and people sehin as long he in de chair, it gon be a conflict of interest! Some seh he should do de honorary thing and get up from de chair if he want fuh be honorary consul!
That bring we back to de “hard- word” mentioned. Everybody know that Khemraj, by opposing de new hotel and de hospital, is clearly involve in a conflict of interest just like de “big” lawyer and he accreditation. Fuh Khemraj, de “big” lawyer and de “key” party, this “conflict of interest” is fuh dem convenience! People ain’t forget when de party mek plenty noise and accuse a certain official of conflict of interest. De same people asking how come de “mukracker”, de “Big Market” paper and de rest of de hostile press ain’t talking about de conflict of interest in de “key” party! Everybody know is convenience! Apparently, it convenient fuh de party fuh conveniently gat convenience regarding conflict of interest! Therein lies de BC challenge fuh get dem fuh understand de meaning. Some seh is all about interpretation.
Dem seh lawyers does have dem own (mis) interpretation and is no coincidence that both Khemraj and Mr “Big” is lawyers. Dem seh that is convenience and de context all in one! Some words could really be exciting, eh! Ting-a-ling-a-ling… Friend tell friend… mattie tell mattie!

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